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Search results

  1. Gevaisa

    Mai vs. Zekrom_B0lt

    48 hour DQ warning for Mai. (This one is definitely late, but who cares.)
  2. Gevaisa

    Mai vs. Zekrom_B0lt

    Sorry this is late. Round Two – Start Zekrom_B0lt Metagross Granola (Light Metal, Power Herb) Health 89% | Energy 90% Status: Mildly upset. Severely paralyzed. Stuck in the air for two more actions. Commands: Shadow Ball ~ Shadow Ball ~ Meteor Mash Mai Misdreavus Honeybee ♀ (Levitate, Dusk...
  3. Gevaisa

    Mai vs. Zekrom_B0lt

    48 hour DQ warning for Mai. (This is arguably a bit late, but it seemed to make sense to count from when she switched places with Luftballoon.)
  4. Gevaisa

    Mai vs. Zekrom_B0lt

    Re: 1. Luftballoon vs. Zekrom_B0lt It was a wonderful day for a battle. The sun was high in the sky, the view of it unobstructed by clouds, and it shone cheerfully down on Sinnoh, which was not where this particular battle was taking place. It was, in fact, a wonderful day for a battle in...
  5. Gevaisa

    Mai vs. Zekrom_B0lt

    Zekrom_B0lt's rental squad with hidden abilities and some items hydreigon Goggles the male Hydreigon (Levitate, Safety Goggles) squirtle Frosty the female Squirtle (Rain Dish, Icy Rock) charmander Graves the male Charmander (Solar Power, Reaper Cloth) pikachu Haruhi the female Pikachu...
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